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Tired of hearing about the magic sperm rejecting powers of women's bodies? Want to smack people who simply say "she should keep her legs closed"?Read this.A few months ago, my local NPR hosted a radio program about proposed changes to PA's abortion law. These changes would've included a vagina ult...
This book covers reproductive rights throughout the world and covers very, very complicated issues related to it: the problems of population growth/decline, how women and their sexuality are viewed in different societies, education, and women as financial burdens (in India, girls are not as desirabl...
Had to pick this up for my International Perspectives on Feminism class, and I have to say, after having read this book, I am glad that out of probably many books that could have been implemented into the class, this book was the one chosen.The author is a journalist and her background shines throug...
If you're a pro-choice feminist or just pro-reporoductive rights, this book will anger you beyond belief before you get to page 20. I'm trying to decide if I should keep reading. (Ed. note. I skimmed through the rest of the book and became even more outraged yet inspired. I think those women who are...
An important look at how Christian Nationalists are operating in the US. Goldberg is a journalist, so this piece comes across as being rather well-researched, rather than merely as a screed against right-wing Christians.