Small dragon *hearts*Also I really ship the hell out of Nightshade/Kaylin. Seriously. It's sick. He's an asshole.
I wait anxiously each year for the continuing saga of Private Kaylin Neva. The Chronicles of Elantra by Michelle Sagara and I go way back. In all those years, I've become more and more of a fan. I am not a typical Sci-Fi reader. I have no idea why, they just usually don't hold my attention or st...
This series works best for me in the characters, the concrete little moments between Kaylin and her compatriots. By that yardstick, CAST IN SORROW is almost entirely not my cup of tea. A swirling, complex maelstrom of Barani magic, I had to wait until the last chapter to get a clear taste of the hea...
*happy sigh* Love this series and ooh the things that Sagara put in this book! Review to come :).4.5 starsReview originally posted here: Harlequin LunaPublish Date: Out nowHow I got this...
Yaaay!! We have a cover, blurb and a release date!! Now all I need is the actual book... If only August wasn't so far away!!! :(UPDATE::I am finally reading the ARC!!! Sorry Insurgent, you'll have to wait a bit longer...UPDATE:It will be over tonight :'(UPDATE:Thank you NetGalley for the ARC! :DI se...
Ms. Sagara continues the saga of Kaylin Neya and her quest into the heart of the Green. What is the Green? What do words mean? What is a nightmare? How is it different than a dream? I'm as lost as Kaylin. Kaylin is designated as the harmoniste on her trek to the West March. What is the job of...