by Vicktor Alexander
I love the world this story takes place in! It's so interesting and it incorporates so many different elements. Mickey and Evander are a sweet couple and you find yourself really wanting them to work, if for no other reason than Mickey captures your heart.The only hiccup in the book for me was the ...
3.5 starsI enjoyed this book, but it wasn't what I was expecting. I didn't check the page count when I bought it, so I was surprised at how short it was. The book skipped through time and you'd go from first meeting to three months later. I disliked the lack of world building. I didn't learn much ab...
4 HeartsFirst published at MM Good Book Reviews Mickey arrived on the planet Wilgrin after running from his family. He is hiding for his life after being chased by a group of thugs when a carriage pulls up and its occ...