by Jenny Nimmo, David Wyatt
Eigentlich ist die Reihe für Kinder gedacht. Aber sie ist so schön und spannend geschrieben, das ich erst zufrieden war, als ich den letzten Band aus der Hand gelegt hatte und war gleichzeitig traurig, das die Reihe zu Ende ist.
Fun children's adventure/mystery/fantasy; I enjoyed it more than I expected to.
If you can't get enough of Harry Potter, then try this series. British boarding school, students have special powers, good struggles against evil. Great narration - perfect series to pick up over the summer.
+ Nice tone, engaging characters, complex plot- Climactic moments a little rushed, some thin characterization An enjoyable beginning to a young adult series. I imagine that Scholastic named these books to evoke the Harry Pott
MUCH more like Harry Potter -- although I like the Canadian cover a LOT better ... this one's kind of creepy.
A very interesting book. I enjoyed it and it was easier to grasp than Harry Potter.