Set in the opulent world of the 18th century aristocracy and inspired by real events, Midnight Marriage is the standalone second book in the acclaimed Roxton family saga.Two noble teenagers are married against their will. Drugged, Deb has no recollection of events. Disgraced, Julian is banished...
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Set in the opulent world of the 18th century aristocracy and inspired by real events, Midnight Marriage is the standalone second book in the acclaimed Roxton family saga.Two noble teenagers are married against their will. Drugged, Deb has no recollection of events. Disgraced, Julian is banished to the Continent. Nine years later, Deb falls in love with a wounded duelist, only to later discover it is her husband returned incognito! Can Deb forgive his cruel deception? Can their marriage survive beyond seduction? Meanwhile, Julian's nemesis plots to destroy them both...2013 Readers' Favorite International Book Awards Medal WinnerWith witty prose and a deft palette of historical detail, Lucinda Brant delivers another lavish 18th century experience in her trademark style: Heart-wrenching drama with a happy ending.What readers say about Midnight MarriageAn emotional journey worth taking with a no-nonsense heroine and a TDF hero... There was nothing disappointing about this book except that I wanted it to last forever... Plenty of subterfuge in this tale, with several subplots skillfully woven throughout... Just as I thought Lucinda's books couldn't get any better, this did... Engaging, authentic, and comfortably paced... Settings, outfits, and behavior of the characters are portrayed in delicious detail... Impressive; sequels aren't generally as powerful as the first book, but Lucinda Brant proves the exception... Worth every penny... A marvelously gifted author... Now I can't wait for the 3rd book of the series... Bravo Lucinda!Early ReviewsFIVE ANGELS, Fallen Angels ReviewsLucinda Brant writes her characters with such depth and feeling......a spellbinding, outstanding story. This was my second LucindaBrant book; and with more stories like this one she will stay at thetop of my 'buy' list.FIVE HEARTS, The Romance StudioMs. Brant once again has done an excellent job with a story and bringslife to her characters... A must read for lovers of romance. FIVE FLAMES, Sizzling Romances...a terrific story. It's fast-paced and the writing is simply wonderful.Several intriguing secondary characters add some interesting twists.This story is full of surprises. I highly recommend it.FIVE ROSES, A Romance Review I look forward to reading more of Ms. Brant's work, she is definitelyan author to be on the lookout for...
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