by Kendra Leigh Castle
Felt it was a little predictable, but I do so enjoy the world Castle has built. Plus, Jaden and Lyra are the BEST. I love them, and overall, I loved this book.
So... this book. Probably a 2.5 for me - rounding to 3 for GR purposes. It took me five days to read, and if you know me at all that is practically unheard of. I don't even know what to say because the book itself is pretty good, but I felt absolutely nothing... nothing for these two characters. I ...
2.5 starsGod, this was a giant letdown after the awesome introduction we got in Dark Awakening. I don't know what it was, really. The whole book just felt off to me. The writing was stilted and not as polished. Several sentences and passages had me rereading because they didn't make sense. And the c...
I liked this one almost as much as the first and am glad that we got to learn more about Jaden. It was great to see glimpses of Ty and Lily in this one but although the continuation of that story is important, that isn't where the focus was for this book and I was ok with it. I would probably put ...
Kendra Leigh Castle’s Midnight Reckoning is an interesting take on the paranormal romance genre. Weres – wolves and cats – we’ve plenty of. Vampires too. But vampire cat-shifters? Interesting.And she makes them hot. As in sexy, sinewy, lithe, hot. Then she adds werewolves to the mix – brash, in-your...
ARC on NetGalley from Grand Central Publishing
I'd give it 3.5 Review to come later.
Website: Kendra Leigh CastleSeries: Dark Dynasties #2Publisher: Grand Central PublishingPublished: January 1, 2012Genre: Adult Paranormal RomanceSource: Netgalley Literary's Views*************************** I didn't know what to expect with Midnight Reckoning but I was pleasantly surprised A wer...