Mikael Niemi
Birth date: August 13, 1959
Mikael Niemi's Books
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Matti grows up in a tiny town in the remote north of Sweden in the 1960s and 70s. The chapters in this book are more like little short stories about different aspects of his childhood and adolescence, chronicled with humour and the occasional forays into strange, magical realism-inspired fantasy seq...
Ekstremt lettlest, tragisk og morsom. Mange herlig uspiselige personligheter. Tok meg selv i å tenke på svensk av ogtil, kanskje fordi oversettelsen virket litt kjapp. Rom for flere og lengre historier om mange av personene.
Matti is a regular teen in 60s Pajala up in the extreme north of Sweden, where they think of themselves as Finns and speak Finnish by preference. These are guys who know how to hold their liquor, laugh at temperatures that go down to forty below zero, handle a gun, an axe or a snowmobile, build a ho...
Die Geschichte vom Erwachsenwerden: mitreißend, ehrlich und unterhaltsam erzählt. Ein Schuss Melancholie darf dabei auch nicht fehlen. Zusätzlich verstecken sich wahre Weisheiten in den Kapiteln, zwischen, oder offen auf den Zeilen.
It's a 4.5* - I was heading for a 5* but one little thing bothered me,a fact was not related to the reader and it was pertinent. Still brilliant fun though, and I feel the inverted snobbery twixt north and south, Swedes and Finns, men and women, was spot on. ---PrologueThe narrator wakes up, starts ...