Mike Ashley
Birth date: January 01, 1948
Mike Ashley's Books
I read this book a chapter at time over a few months, which I think is a good way to consume this book as the writing is basically of the form "...and then this happened...and then this other thing happened..", which for me can become tiresome. It is written from the point of view of the main charac...
The Feminine Future edited by Mike Ashley When I saw an anthology of early female-authored scifi on Netgalley, I knew I had to grab it. While I’m well aware of the female participants in the golden age of detective fiction, I had no idea that women were also so active in early science fiction. All...
More 3.5 than 3 star but not quite 4 star.Some interesting ideas and adventures, including two in Ireland. Now must research if Holmes being a Galwegian who attended Trinity is actual canon.
Delighted how much fun this has been (give it an extra half star).Good ones:Gregory Benford - Caveat Time TravellerLiz Williams - Century to StarboardSean McMullen - Walk to the Full MoonFritz Leiber - Try and Change the PastRobert Silverberg - Needle in a HaystackSimon Clark - Dear TomorrowEllen Kl...