Story-engineer and trench-author Mike McPhail is best known as the editor of the award-winning Defending The Future (DTF) series of military science fiction anthologies. He is the creator of the science fiction role-playing game the Alliance Archives Martial Role-Playing Game, which serves as the...
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Story-engineer and trench-author Mike McPhail is best known as the editor of the award-winning Defending The Future (DTF) series of military science fiction anthologies. He is the creator of the science fiction role-playing game the Alliance Archives Martial Role-Playing Game, which serves as the backdrop to his and other authors' stories.Currently he is the Acquisitions Editor and Administrator for DTF Publications (named after his series), an imprint of Dark Quest, LLC, which includes the DTF series and related works, such as David Sherman's DemonTech and Issue In Doubt trilogy, Phoebe Wray's Jemma Saga, and James Daniel Ross' Radiation Angels series, as well as stand-alone collections from C.J. Henderson and Danielle Ackley-McPhail.He is also the owner and chief artist of McP Digital Graphics, a web-based company specializing in cover art and layout, interior illustrations, and technical consulting. Their primary customers are small- and medium-press publishers, and individuals just starting out.Last, but most important, as a member of the Military Writers Society of America, he is dedicated to helping his fellow service members (and deserving civilians) in their efforts to become authors, as well as supporting related organizations in their efforts to help those "who have given their all for us."
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