I never thought I would want to gush about a thriller, but this hit an unknown sweet spot for me. Action, suspense, a child in jeopardy, evil bad guys with many minions, heroes and a heroine that you want to root for. As much as I want to gush, I don't want to be the one to spoil any of the suspen...
This is not a bad reference, but I wouldn't recommend reading it cover to cover. Maybe hit the table of contents and view the topics that seem worthy of your time. There were many topics that address issues beyond my control, and many others just aren't relevant to me personally.
In their youth, various polite forms of "REJECTED" are shouted at would-be writers with the frequency of "NO!" shouted at an infant. Mike Nappa's 77 Reasons Why Your Book Was Rejected aims to change that. Writers, read this now, regardless of whether you haven't published, submitted or even written ...