I particularly enjoyed reading this now, in spring, when I've been watching the baby birds learn to fly and explore the larger world. There is a hummingbird nest in the tree outside that has been reinhabited (and I assume rebuilt, since Spinak explains that the mother tears up the old nest to get t...
Whoa. Natasha would have lost her mind over this a few years ago. Most kids picture books are neither so detailed in text, nor so well illustrated. They tend to rely on broad information and stock photos and a child can go through a huge number of, say, bat books, without picking up many specifics a...
Wow! I received an ebook copy of this book from the author in exchange for a review. His inquiry was professional and in no way did I feel he was harassing me for a review.....so he gets a review. The photographs in this little book are impressive. I have no clue how one can capture a humming bir...
Growing Up Humming is a children's non-fiction book about some hummingbird chicks growing up and leaving the nest.I got a PDF of this in exchange for reviewing it from the author. It took me all of twenty minutes to read. It's written in a suitable style for kids, simple without being patronizing....
This is a charming little book, with incredible photographs of a hummingbird and her babies as they grow to first flight. The accompanying commentary is illuminating and very insightful. The book is supposedly targeted to children -- though I think it's beyond the very youngest. It should appeal ...