This book is perfect for people who have english as second language. Really short chapters (each about four pages), pretty easy english, well-known Sillurians race... that all makes it easy to read. Story is fine, but the end of this story is weak in my opinion. Also I miss connection with TV series...
In a future where the petroleum supply is nearly exhausted, an industrialist is extracting a mysterious superfuel called Fire Ice from a lake beneath Antarctica. But what is the super fuel and what is the beast that is attacking workers? That's what The Doctor and a journalist named Lizzie are tryin...
The writer managed to capture Ten's manic behavior. No small feat. On one of the Doctor Who comm, someone asked how in the future would the 10th Doctor be remembered. What would be in his "film reel"? Someone came up with the best answer : a jump cut scene where Ten goes : "No! Yes! No! Wait! No! Oh...