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Mike Wimmer
Mike Wimmer's Books
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MLE's Porn and Ponies
MLE's Porn and Ponies rated it 11 years ago
A gentle story of a boy and his larger than life best friend. I liked the way this story honestly dealt with grief, loss, and the questions we all have when dealing with the death of someone we love. I appreciate how this book never felt heavy handed, or moralizing. The questions the boy had were tr...
Peace, Love & Books
Peace, Love & Books rated it 13 years ago
Dignified and handsomely illustrated. Dislike the use of first-person narrative for a biography.
A Man With An Agenda
A Man With An Agenda rated it 13 years ago
I have had a rough week, and yesterday was a particularly bad day in said rough week. Don't worry, this won't be a blogreads post, I just needed to get that out as a reason to get up at 1am and read this and 'My Teacher Fried My Brains'. Coville, like many of the great authors of my childhood, is de...
Electablue rated it 14 years ago
Holly wanted me to read this book because she read it in school and loved it. I have to agree it was a very good book and actually made both of us cry.
debnance rated it 15 years ago
My Thoughts:One Giant Leap is the story of the first man to step on the moon. The text is written as if it is actually happening, in present tense, and adds a sense of immediacy to the story. Or it did for me. The paintings were rich and as realistic as a photograph. I loved the beauty of the words ...
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