by Jerry Spinelli, Ron Rifkin
MILKWEED By Jerry Spinelli 208 pages Published (first published January 1st 2003) ISBN: 0439682363 (ISBN13: 9780439682367) Set in Warsaw, Poland from prior to World War II and following an orphan with many names in his quest to survive not only living in the streets, but, also, in the Warsa...
Very intense. Very few likable characters (thinking back on Spinelli's other books I'm not sure character is a strength of his). Not a bad story, but the ending leaves something to be desired.
Hidden is a graphic novel that does a good job introducing the idea of the Holocaust to young readers without being overtly violent. Hidden features a grandmother, Dounia, who is telling her granddaughter about her experiences during World War II. Dounia wore the star of David, was hidden by her par...
Moving if somewhat bizarre Holocaust fiction. It's the story of a young orphan boy in Warsaw during World War II. I really don't know how to describe the book. It's a very emotional read and while Spinelli's heavy use of dramatic irony render the book an effective teaching tool (it's used in the Heb...
I read this book when I was barely old enough to understand what the Holocaust was about. I've read it over and over and it is still, to this day, the only Spinelli book I like. It's beautiful and so incredibly heartbreaking.
This one fell short of my expectations. I kept hearing all this hype about it and I was really excited to finally get into it, but as I was reading this book I felt like I was pushing myself to read. I had a hard time relating and caring for the characters, which makes me feel heartless considering ...
I hope that nobody will look at me funny when I say that I love reading WWII/Holocaust stories. I do. I'm drawn to the stories of the people - I want to know what it is in us that makes us so cruel to others. I'm fascinated by people's stories- real or fiction. I don't think that they should be igno...