Mineko Iwasaki
Birth date: November 02, 1949
Mineko Iwasaki's Books
I kept re-writing my comments on this bit because I feel so conflicted that I can't write a comprehensive sentence about it. Likes: historical first person account. Original, native speaker. Detailed descriptions about unique aspects of cultural setting. Dislikes: the general personality of the ...
3,5/5Ho iniziato a leggere questo libro perché ho adorato "Memorie di una Geisha" di Arthur Golden, che si è rifatto proprio alla storia di Mineko Iwasaki. Di "Memorie di una Geisha" questo libro non ha poi molto, e per quanto la Iwasaki si sia lamentata per come Golden abbia stravolto la sua vita (...
"Geisha: A Life" is the autobiography of the woman in Golden's Memoirs of a Geisha. Liza Dalby's Geisha is however said to be more forthcoming about the reality of geishas' lives. Maybe read Dalby's and Iwasaki's together, to get a more accurate picture!
I found the storytelling stilted. Sometimes anecdotes were included for seemingly no reason. I also found it hard to follow the time line within the book at times. However, it was an incredibly interesting look into Japanese culture. I'd recommend it over Memoirs of a Geisha.