by Various Authors, Martin Edwards
The British Library Crime Classics series has published a number of anthologies edited by Martin Edwards. I was looking for a locked room mystery to fill a square in a Halloween bingo game, and thought that this one would fit the bill splendidly. And so it did.Only one of the stories was an unredeem...
I've read three of the short stories in this collection so far, and I'd say 2 out of the three were excellent, with the third being worthy of note for just how transcendently bad it is. The first story I read was, of course, Doyle's The Lost Special. It wasn't a mystery in the sense of a puzzle t...
My Square Markers: Black Kitty: Read but not called Black Vignette: Called but not read Black Kitty in Black Vignette: Read and Called Current Status of Spreadsheet: Books Read / Listened to - Update 1: Terry Pratchett: Equal Rites The first book of the Witches subseries and one of the e...