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Mircea Eliade
Birth date: March 09, 1907
Died: April 22, 1986
Fantasy, Travel
Mircea Eliade's Books
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Little Robin's Nest
Little Robin's Nest rated it 12 years ago
Maitreyi is a memoir about the love between Mircea Eliade and an Indian girl named, well, Maitreyi. Here's a little context: Although he is named Alain in the book, the story is real and Eliade copies from his own journals. The real-life Maitreyi learns about the book years later, and learns about w...
Ana V.
Ana V. rated it 12 years ago
Nu cred ca am inceput cu cea mai buna opera a lui. Nu m-a impresionat cu nimic si nici nu m-a facut sa regret ca am citit-o, deci primeste 3 stele.
هزاميري rated it 12 years ago
سيطرت على البشرية اكذوبة قديمة اخذت تتضخم : ان طل شيء يتكرر ولذا يعيش كثير من الناس حيواتهم كما يمليه عليهم المجتمع او الاخرين لاعتقادهم انهم ينفذون المقدر لهموحتى قضية الحياة الاولى للبشر في فردوس قبل الخطيئة والطقوس التي كل ماتقوم به هو تدمير الحياة بشكلها الحالي لتولد من جديد على شاكلة الفردوس ال...
Chrissie's Books
Chrissie's Books rated it 13 years ago
This book is also called "Bengali Nights". Read with Maitreyi Devi's It Does Not Die: A Romance, written 40 years later.
Ana V.
Ana V. rated it 14 years ago
A fost cu adevărat o carte bună, foarte bine scrisă. Eliade a reuşit să drescrie imaginile cu o putere pe care el se pare că o are încorporată în talentul său imens de scriitor.. Merită citită!
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