In the thrilling conclusion to The Chosen One trilogy, we meet again with Hayden and Jasper as they try to put an end to Braw's "liberation" of the shifters. These two have been through so much, and yet still refuse to give up. The love they have for each other is not only deep and long-lasting, but...
The beginning of this had me wanting to DNF it. There was just something about it that screamed "I am going to suck big donkey dick!" And then, the author managed to pull me in and take this vanilla love story that I was expecting, and turn it into a very good book. There are so many twists and ...
Awww it’s so good to be back in Quelondain!Following the epic battle between Hayden & Braw, peace had settled on the land of Quelondain, it’s a tentative peace and holds a fine line as shifters & humans lack trust in each other and judge based on species & alliances – presumed or not – and none know...