by Bruce Sterling, Daniele Brolli, Antonio Caronia, James Patrick Kelly
(Original Review, 1985)Isn't that just the thing? With the digital world, social media and the online life, comes an entirely new kind of creeping, monolithic conformity. When everywhere you go cookies are recording your choices, advertising companies can predict your needs and your boss is your fri...
Initial reaction: Probably 3.5 stars. There are some really interesting and good stories in the mix included here, and only a few that didn't really strike me all that well, whether it was the fact some of them were random and not necessarily what I would term cyberpunk, or that some of them seemed ...
Essential, and important, reading for fans or historians of the cyberpunk movement of the 1980's. MIRRORSHADES is a mixed bag of mostly good, though almost all dated, science fiction stories in the cyberpunk motif.
The definitive anthology of stories from the edgy and influential cyberpunk SF movement of the 1990's.