by Elizabeth George
Wow. So "Missing Joseph" packs a punch. George really looks at a variety of relationships and in the end you kind of want to go why do women even deal with men? Except in the case of St. James and his wife Deborah where she continues to be the worst. There's also a look at the mother and child relat...
bookshelves: summer-2015, published-1992, series, tbr-busting-2015, mystery-thriller, britain-england, art-forms, lancashire, next Read on July 25, 2015 Read by.................. Diana BishopTotal Runtime......... 18 Hours 16 MinsDescription: Deborah and Simon St. James have taken a holiday in...
I loved the first Lynley mystery, A Great Deliverance, which moved me to tears and I rated five stars. I really like George's style of writing--it flows so well--and her detectives--especially Havers, even over Lynley. I've read that the later books (there are 16 to date) are stronger than the early...
Meh, def. not my favorite Inspector Lynley book. I thought it was boring and that it dragged on to where I wanted to gouge my eyes out! Luckily, that is rare with this series!!
Deborah St. James figures prominently in this entry in the Inspector Lynley series -- yeah! Set in northern England, it's a tale about a dead vicar, possible witchcraft and jealousy. Good, thick read on a rainy night with a big pot of tea and plenty of time. For the longer review, please go here:htt...
Elizabeth George is one of the premier “English-mystery” writers. As it happens, she lives and writes in California, but she apparently studied in England and does locale-specific research before each new novel. She’s very good at capturing the local dialect and geographic description, but, my...
1998 October 25