Pitney has a crush on Tait nothing happens while they attend school. They graduate and move on. While out one night Pitney finds himself facing gay bashers and while trying to get away runs smack into Tait. Tait take care of the guys.It was a nice story to pass the time. I would have liked a bit mor...
From the blurb:Fuck or die? Pass the lube. I have to read this.
1-2% - 2%Mael Day – THREE MONTHS AND ELEVEN DAYS (First Time/College) * 1 fade to black star * Review here.2-3% - 1%Astrid Detlefsen – THE MUSE (Established Relationship)*** 3 glowing ball stars *** Review here.3-7% - 4%Sasha Devlin – STROKE OF MIDNIGHT (Werewolves/Vampires) * 1 "mated" (yeah right....
**** 4 blue tiles stars ****This was an adorable, playful, youthful, hot, sweet and romantic short story! I love that I got both POV, although once or twice it was a bit confusing who was actually talking, but it was just nitpicking.I loved the time jump in the epilogue. Yes, me loving a ...