by Amélie Nothomb, Wolfgang Krege
Fear and Trembling by Amélie Nothomb 3 / 5 'Fear and Trembling' tells the story of a young woman who spends a year working at a Japanese firm. She soon learns that at the Yumimoto Corporation hierarchy means everything, and her time there soon turns into a comic nightmare of terror and self-abasemen...
bookshelves: currently-reading, film-only, autumn-2013, belgium, japan, translation, travel, published-1999, shortstory-shortstories-novellas, tokyo Read from November 26 to 27, 2013 Description from IMDB: A Belgian woman looks back on her year at a Japanese corporation in Tokyo in 1990. She is...
This book has such a simple premise but happens to contain so much thought behind culture. I enjoy Amelie Nothomb, her writing has a certain dark comic side that I find fits perfect with my taste. This book is her most acclaimed with the awards it won, but I enjoyed "The Stranger Next Door" quite a ...
I have to admit that I've avoided Amélie Nothomb until now because of her face: printed on every book cover, it didn't inspire me to trust her writing. My mind works in strange ways sometimes.The curiosity got the better of me though, so now I must admit that I may have been wrong... I've immediatel...
This was a highly entertaining read. Nothomb's style of writing is smooth and savvy. It sucks you in and carries you through the story in a heartbeat. The book is funny yet serious, outlandish yet realistic.
See my journal entry.