Bakalan aku kasih 5 bintang, seandainya..Ga ada penampakan William Shakespeare ma Billy the Kid!Emang sih Michael Scott itu bagus banget ngeramu semua mitologi di serial Nicholas Flamel ini. Semua dewa dari berbagai macam pantheon dikeluarin. Pemain baru kali ini? Ada Cernunnos dari mitologi Celt (y...
So the series is over now. To be honest, I disliked the first book that I decided not to read the next ones. But, my friends have convinced me that I should, so I did. It turns out that it wasn't as bad as I had assumed. I wouldn't say all the books are fantastic, but it certainly wasn't disappointi...
Dear Michael Scott (not of The Office),I do not know how you manage to keep these books so dang surprising. Just when I think I've got you down, you throw something in my way. Sophie and Josh are split. Now, while I agree with the decision to not trust Nicholas and Pernelle, I don't see how choosing...
The series is getting better. Although I have to admit that I dislike the Alchemyst.