Kirsty Eagar (author)
Format: ebook
ASIN: 15781959
Publisher: Review of Australian Fiction
3.5 starsThis is the first time I've read anything by Kirsty Eagar. Molasses was a very strange and intriguing short story and if the author's other books are anything like this, I'm definitely checking them out.
The mother needs a punch in the face and a kick in her woman region.
Not reading Ferragost yet, because I'm an idiot and haven't read Froi of the Exiles. I know, I know...
This story was published alongside Ferragost, and in terms of style and content, a better companion work would have been hard to come by. The author's style reminds me a lot of Melina Marchetta's. Like the aforementioned author, Kirsty Eagar deals with tough adolescent issues, and creates very symp...