by Eve Ensler, Anna Plata
There ain't much more I can say about this but wow. I really need to get up and go to the next performance.
Well, one thing is for sure. This deserves a read - I don't know whether I should say it or not (since I am rather conservative)- but women must read this. That is, to get a holistic, more feminine picture of female sexuality and violence against women. We have all came across numerous incidents in ...
The US Presidential Election is now in full swing. Particularly if you are a US citizen who happens to possess a vagina, you will want to avoid this crude, tasteless, completely unamusing campaign ad. Shame on you, Real Republican Real Women Of Real America!
Mostly I read this on a plane to irritate my boss at the time - a particularly flamboyant gay man, who spent the entire flight with his fingers in his ears, singing "LaLaLaLa, I'm not listening, I'm not listening..."
It has been almost a year since I was part of an ensemble that performed the Vagina Monologues for the first time at my school. While I absolutely support the knowledge, message and support of women and women's issues that Eve Ensler tries to promote with her collection of monologues it is hard to g...
After hearing about it, mostly on feminist blogs, I was thrilled to find the audiobook, which is probably the next best thing to seeing the play live. And I'm happy to say that it didn't disappoint - it's an empowering piece of feminity and feminism.