by Larry Correia, Oliver Wyman
Monster Hunters International (MHI) are a group of people who get involved in supernatural events in the hopes of getting government bounty (who also have their own secret groups to try and keep it quiet from the general population).This book is third in a series. Haven't read the other two, but is ...
Entertaining. NO SPARKLY VAMPIRES!!! :)
The Monster Hunter series isn't for everyone. Essentially, it's a Quentin Tarantino kinda book. It's full of ridiculously over-the-top blood-bath violence, it sports the liberal use of all kinds of weapons, it's full of men who are basically good at heart, but who aren't in the least bit opposed t...
Es la tercera parte de la serie. Y me sorprendió, primero porque el autos se pega un salto y cambia la manera de narrar la historia. En los dos primeros, cuenta la historia 99% desde la perspectiva del protagonista. Pero en éste usa la perspectiva de múltiples personajes. Me desconcertó al principio...
While I am just ecstatic to read about Harbinger's story, I really am, I am also a little annoyed that Correia didn't first finish Z's story... I still would have wanted to read about Earl because he is definitely a fascinating character of which I had many, many questions but I really needed to kno...
The second book in the series was pretty much “more of the same” compared to the first one. This, the third one, takes on a slightly different tack. Sure, it’s “more of the same” in that it centers on monsters and guns, well actually it’s not that much guns in this one, but it’s not so much about Mo...
Unlike the previous books, this book follows Harbinger. Harbinger is the de-facto leader of Monster Hunter International – and has been for 100 years. He has been hunting monsters for all that time – for his company, for his country and when various powers that be hold a dagger over his head.Because...
Just finished it and I'm still hyped. As with the other Monster Hunter Nation series installments, this story is action packed with lots of humor and well-drawn characters. I don't like to read anything about these books before I read them so I went in not knowing about the POV switch. I got used to...
I think this is the best of the series so far. Although other characters and situations are mentioned, this is more of a stand-alone book in the same world. This one is all about Earl Harbringer. It does include a good bit of his back story, but it is spaced out through the book. The main story is a...
I am not sure why I love these, but I do. They tend to be cliche, sexist, shoot-em-ups. But for some dang reason they are just so fun!