by Sana Takeda, Marjorie M. Liu
Genre: Adventure / Steampunk / Fantasy / Drama Year Published: 2016 Year Read: 5/24/2017Publisher: Image Comics Series: Monstress Issue #6 I would like to thank NetGalley and Image Comics for providing me a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. What is this story about? In this i...
As always, the art in these are just amazing. It's not overly-stylized. I feel like it's not really stylized at all, but just depicts people as they look. The characters are beautiful, but I feel like it's part of their world that the women in these high power positions have the means to make themse...
Last week I suffered a post-GoT loss after I finished watching season 6, I feel something similar coming with Monstress, as the sixth issue is at this time the last one (good news though, it will continue in August). The story came to a very nice climax, and I was sitting at the edge of my seat. ...