Book 1 of the Invasion Chronicles represents a departure for fantasy series writer Morgan Rice, who here places her affinity for fantasy in the adjacent realm of science fiction. The story opens with teen Kevin's growing struggles with visions and paralyzing headaches: a condition that's been dia...
A Throne for Sisters is Book One in a new young adult fantasy series that opens with two teens stuck in a terrible orphanage. Sophia and Kate long to escape, and though they have a mutual goal and the shared experience of being unwanted in the world, each harbors different dreams of how they will fi...
A Quest of Heroes by Morgan Rice is the first installment in The Sorcerer's Ring series. This is a coming of age story about 14 year old Thorgrin who prefers to be called Thor. His dream is to become a knight with the King’s Legion. This story has everything I love in a fantasy story. There is mys...
Set in a dystopian New York, it follows the lives of Brooke and her younger sister Bree as they try and survive after war destroyed their country. They also had to avoid slave runners who captured people to fight like gladiators in arenas, the worse one being Arena 1. Whilst Brooke is searching for ...
A March of Kings is the second book in "The Sorcerer's Ring" series. It has a nice transition from the last book. In fact, you could even just pick up this book first and the only thing that would probably confuse you is the character's names. Thor continues on his journey after the King died. Garet...
Recently, I read "A Quest of Heroes" by Morgan Rice. This book is about a fictional character named Thor. Thor is a son of a poor farmer. Thor has 3 older brothers who are favored by his father more because of their bigger stature. The 3 sons (not including Thor) were all raised to be part of the si...
The premise was why wanted to read this book that is the start of what is a fairly lengthy series, however the disjointed execution of plot and poor character development made it hard to connect with or care about Caitlin. For the record though the meat of the story has some good points and this giv...
I was done after the first horrendous paragraph, but I tried to stick with it to figure out how it got so many high ratings. Rice's writing is at about a eighth grade level- an eighth grader in a poorly funded school district. I threw in the towel when Rice couldn't even keep track of the protag's...
I give to you, the story of Thor McLeod. Spoilers might occur!(Queue: Princes of the Universe by Queen)You'd think this guy would excrete lightning bolts, but you'd be wrong. He's just an all-out Gary Stu!The settingGary lives in the Ring, a circular patch of earth surrounded by the Canyon. Think AS...
Blegh. Godawful book and I'm only a couple of chapters in and going to DNF this. Even this far in it's stereotype central, all wrapped up in some insta-googly eyes and tied off with a plot-inconsistency bow. I'm just gonna mostly quote chunks: On page 1: "Caitlin couldn't understand why s...
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