Morgan Spurlock
Birth date: June 07, 1970
Morgan Spurlock's Books
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An interesting book that should be read in conjunction with the film. He goes into some depth about some of the issues brought up by the film and some of the after effectes it had. Food for thought.
This book was a good reminder of the variety of known health hazards associated with eating fast food regularly and also a brain tickler on what we don’t know about long-term health risks associated with regular intake of junk food.Spurlock guides the reader through a sea of facts, making them easil...
The first this that I noticed when looking a some of the reviews of this book was that Morgan Spurlock is considere a 'poor man's Michael Moore'. I am going to have to disagree with that statement. Michael Moore has become little more than an entertainer, and while Spurlock is much the same, I afind...
There has been a lot written about the obesity epidemic that the United States (and to a lesser extent Australia) is facing and in many cases the finger is pointed directly at fast food franchises. Many people have probably heard of and even watched Spurlock's documentary where he sets himself a tas...
Don't Eat This Book is the follow up to Morgan Spurlock's award-nominated documentary, Super Size Me. I'd seen Super Size Me a few years ago, and enjoyed it. It was one of those enlightening moments in life where you think "Holy crap! What have I been doing to myself?!" I made a decision after seein...