Title: Sara in MontanaAuthor: Morris FenrisPublished: Changing Culture PublicationsReviewed By: Arlena DeanRating: 5Genre: RomanceReview:"Sara in Montana" by Morris Fenris was a sweet short contemporary romance novel of a woman who gets the love that she had wanted after overcoming obstacles and bei...
Title: A New StartAuthor: Morris FenrisPublished: Changing Culture PublicationsAge Recommended: AdultReviewed By: Arlena DeanRating: 5Review:"A New Start" by Morris Fenris was a very good heartwarming read of two stories: 'Christmas in King's Gap and Home for Christmas.' Both stories will have somet...
Title: A Miracle Of ChristmasAuthor: Morris Fenris Age Recommended: AdultReviewed By: Arlena DeanRating: 4Review:"The Miracle of Christmas" by Morris Fenris were two beautiful Christmas stories: 'The Shepherd of Casper Mountain' and Snow Angels.' Both of these stories were beautifully written and on...