Morton Rhue
Birth date: May 05, 1950
Morton Rhue's Books
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For more reviews, check out my blog: Craft-CycleWhile the book is written in a simple way without much character development, its story is so eerie and engrossing that it is easy to get caught up in it regardless. I didn't much care for the writing (perhaps because it is intended for a younger audie...
This book seemed really interesting, the topic matter and what I heard from people. So I decided to read it and sure, it was good, but at times it just got boring and at times too confusing. There were too many people, and having all these people talking about the experience, spoiled the whole last ...
This chilling story ought not to be necessary, since anyone looking at the history of Nazism could see that the German people were no more evil than any other people. Inevitably though it is instructive to see a psychological of totalitarian control played out in the context of an American high scho...
Berühmt zu sein heißt vieles: Geld noch und nöcher haben, alles kriegen, was man will, beliebt sein, gutaussehend und begehrt. Das zumindest ist die blauäugige Vorstellung, die kaum was mit der Realität zu tun hat, wie auch Jamie – eine junge „Starfotografin“ – sehr bald feststellen muss. War es ein...