The long-lived Han dynasty is finally succumbing to effects of a weak Emperor and corrupt government that is cause injustice throughout China resulting peasant revolts while nobles strive to reform the court. Three Kingdoms by Luo Guanzhong, probably, dramatizes the 112-year history of the end of t...
This was a thoroughly interesting novel. I had a brief book-stential crisis in the middle when I tried to wrap my head around the multiple versions of this book even in its original language, as well the mystique surrounding the identity of the author. I quickly got over it though and settled quite ...
Around the time the earth cooled and life spread across the continents, I was a huge fan of the game Destiny of an Emperor for the NES. Chinese generals with names I couldn't pronounce duking it out for the fate of China enthralled me.Years later, I was thinking fondly of the game and decided to in...