by Belinda Roberts
Mr. Darcy Goes Overboard, originally published as Prawn and Prejudice in 2009, is a seaside retelling of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. This contemporary novel takes place in the British seaside town of Salcombe, and instead of carriages, balls this tale is about boats, swimming, and lifeguards...
Mr. Darcy Goes Overboard: A Tale of Tide & Prejudice is a cute and quirky adaption of Jane Austin’s Pride and Prejudice that is set in the modern world. I liked how these characters retained the original characters personalities and it was interesting how the author incorporated their characters in...
A romantic adventure for Lizzy and Darcy set with sail boats, sand and surf, was what I was expecting. What I received was Pride and Prejudice slap stick style. Therefore I was a bit disappointed, however, 2 stars given for the laugh out loud moments, alone. There were moments of hilarity that out ...
Yes I am back with another P&P variation, what more can you all expect from me. I am hopelessly addicted.This one is set at a little fashionable town near the sea. The players are all the same, the story is the same (with exceptions of course, this being a variation and all.) Lizzy still feels hurt ...
Looks like one to give a miss
Interesting. Fun to read while drinking, in case you were wondering.Review to come.