by Jennifer Haigh
I had never heard of Jennifer Haigh before but a friend recommended that I read "News from Heaven" The Bakerton Stories." After devouring that book in less than a day I promptly bought Mrs. Kimble."Mrs. Kimble" focuses on three women, Birdie, Joan, and Dinah who all marry the same man, Mr. Ken Kimbl...
These were the stories of the three successive Mrs Kimbles, married to the one inscrutable Mr Kimble.Somehow Ken Kimble was able to charm and seduce and marry these women, but the marriages quickly revealed there was nothing beneath his thin veneer. Really nothing. The wives learned they never kne...
Moved too slowly for me, gave up after about 100 pages.
Mrs. Kimble is actually three people: the first, second, and third wives of Ken Kimble. I was intrigued by the structure of the novel, the way the author revealed Ken K...