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Muriel Spark - Community Reviews back

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fromfirstpagetolast rated it 7 years ago
Miss Brodie is beloved by her pupils, decried by her colleagues. Her unconventional teaching methods and unusually close relationships with her pupils worry some. As for the chosen few, the Brodie set, they at first revel in their distinction. But they soon learn their loyalty may be misguided. Th...
BrokenTune rated it 7 years ago
If you want to concentrate deeply on some problem, and especially some piece of writing or paper-work, you should acquire a cat. Alone with the cat in the room where you work ... the cat will invariably get up on your desk and settle placidly under the desk lamp ... The cat will settle down and be s...
BrokenTune rated it 7 years ago
Memento Mori - "Remember you must die" is the message that an anonymous caller issues to several elderly people, who all react differently to receiving the nuisance calls. What follows is a confused look into the lives of the recipients of these calls and into the way that society neglects the eld...
BrokenTune rated it 7 years ago
What an odd story. What an odd composition. Told mostly in flashbacks, The Girls of Slender Means tells of a group of girls who share lodgings at a home for women under 30 who have limited means of income. The story is mostly set during the summer of 1945 - between the end of the war in Europe and...
pedestrienne rated it 7 years ago
If like me you read a lot of spooky story collections, you will come across the same stories every so often. But it's okay. If you're like me and don't have the best memory for the plot points of what you've read years before, it's almost like reading it for the first time with a slight sense of dej...
pedestrienne rated it 7 years ago
If like me you read a lot of spooky story collections, you will come across the same stories every so often. But it's okay. If you're like me and don't have the best memory for the plot points of what you've read years before, it's almost like reading it for the first time with a slight sense of dej...
Wesley Britton's blog
Wesley Britton's blog rated it 9 years ago
“Forget what you know about a storyline that has a starting point, something interesting after that and finally an epilogue. [This book is] a mind game, an adventure to perception . . . Once you are certain of something, I will take that “something” away.Remember. It’s a game and you are playing alo...
A Man With An Agenda
A Man With An Agenda rated it 9 years ago
The voice on the telephone won't stop reminding Dame Lettie Colston that she must die. The police won't take her seriously and even her brother doesn't believe her until he starts receiving calls himself. 'Memento Mori' primarily involves two groups of elderly people: Dame Lettie's set, and the resi...
A Man With An Agenda
A Man With An Agenda rated it 9 years ago
The voice on the telephone won't stop reminding Dame Lettie Colston that she must die. The police won't take her seriously and even her brother doesn't believe her until he starts receiving calls himself. Memento Mori primarily involves two groups of elderly people: Dame Lettie's set and the residen...
Mikka liest das Leben
Mikka liest das Leben rated it 9 years ago
Als erstes möchte ich der Madison Public Library (der öffentlichen Bibliothek von Madison) zustimmen, die das Buch auf ihre Liste der 100 gut lesbaren Klassiker gesetzt hat. Die Bibliothek definiert die beiden Kriterien wie folgt (von mir ins Deutsche übersetzt):»Ein Klassiker ist ein Werk von anhal...
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