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My Best Friend Bent Over Me A First Anal Sex Bondage Short - Sonata Sorento
My Best Friend Bent Over Me A First Anal Sex Bondage Short
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Rachel is excited that her best friend from college and her husband are over the rough patch in their marriage, and she enjoys dinner with Penny and Thomas. Of course, she has no idea that the dinner was set up for a hell of a lot more than a celebration! Penny and Thomas both have dominating... show more
Rachel is excited that her best friend from college and her husband are over the rough patch in their marriage, and she enjoys dinner with Penny and Thomas. Of course, she has no idea that the dinner was set up for a hell of a lot more than a celebration! Penny and Thomas both have dominating personalities, and they both want Rachel for a torrid threesome filled with rough sex, domination, submission, and Rachel’s first anal sex experience!Warning: This ebook contains very explicit descriptions of sexual activity during a first anal sex experience. It includes lesbian sex, mff threesome sex, bondage, domination, submission, and rough sex. It is intended for mature readers who will not be offended by graphic depictions of sex acts between consenting adults.Here is a preview:It had been at least five years since the last time Rachel and Penny had kissed, but it was every bit as good as Rachel had remembered it. Penny's lips were soft, but she kissed hard and with passion, nipping at Rachel's lips and making her moan softly. Before she could really dive into the kiss, Penny was leading her to the bed and pressing her down to it. She crossed over to the closet and pulled out a few bundles of rope, grinning at her friend.“What do you plan to do with that?” Rachel asked. “Tie you to the bed,” Penny replied. “See, Thomas and I are going all out with this. It's going to be kinky and fantastic just in case it's the only time we ever get to do it. You're alright with that, right?” Rachel had never been tied up before, but she had wondered about it. Plus, she trusted the two of them, and she was already this far in. She might as well go all the way. “Yeah,” she said. “It's fine with me.” “Excellent. Then get naked.” Rachel laughed, but she obeyed, sitting up on the bed so that she could take off her clothes. She had dressed nicely for the dinner, and she slid the straps of her dress over her shoulders and then wiggled her way out of it. Her breasts were fairly small, so she had forgone a bra. She pulled down her panties, tossing everything to the floor and lying back, naked on the bed. Her blonde hair fanned around her head, and she looked up at Penny expectantly.
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Format: Kindle Edition
Publisher: Mmmmore Productions
Pages no: 8
Edition language: English
Books by Sonata Sorento
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