by J. S. Wilsoncroft
Calista is moving far from her home and friends to a place that is unknown to her. What will she do without her book club and friends from school? You may think she can just make new friends but the thing is Calista is deaf. She is being uprooted from her school for the deaf and now has to attend pu...
My Haunting Love by J. S. Wilsoncroft4 StarsI love Jamie’s work, she has a romantic heart and I’m a sucker for romance. ‘My Haunting Love’ is a YA romance with a twist, our MC Calista is a sixteen year old deaf girl and her love interest is a ghost. When Calista and her family move into a new area, ...
tory starts with Calista,a teenage girl who isn't happy she has to move, isn't thrilled with a new town, new house, new school, new friends. It's all a little overwhelming, and being deaf only complicates things further.I love that this heroine is deaf. The YA genre is loaded with strong female char...