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Mychael Black
Call me Katherine or Mychael--I'll answer to both. I'm a mother, student, author by trade, and editor by compulsion. I've been in the publishing business for several years, namely as a writer but also as an editor on occasion. It never fails, though. I always end up editing eventually.I'm a proud... show more

Call me Katherine or Mychael--I'll answer to both. I'm a mother, student, author by trade, and editor by compulsion. I've been in the publishing business for several years, namely as a writer but also as an editor on occasion. It never fails, though. I always end up editing eventually.I'm a proud bibliophile, to which my poor sagging bookcases can attest. I read all the time, namely fantasy and romance.When not writing or reading or editing, I...eat. Maybe sleep. Or watch Spongebob. Yes. I am a self-proclaimed, thirty-something year old Spongebob Squarepants addict. Much to my roommate's dismay. It's fun.If you're curious about what I write (and who wouldn't be?!), then you can find me below:http://www.mychaelblackbooks.com/http://www.mychaelblackbooks.com/category/blog/http://www.facebook.com/mychael.blackhttps://twitter.com/mychael_black
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Community Reviews
Morbid Obsession (Kynthos)
Morbid Obsession (Kynthos) rated it 9 years ago
Holly shit! This story sure is fucked up though not the kind of fuck up I enjoy. I am utterly bored by it after said pet met its master. I had to skim read to finish it. Luckily it wasn't a long one.I felt cheated. Cheated by trusting the book's title and blurb. The first chapter gave me false illus...
SheReadsALot...seriously. rated it 9 years ago
How to describe to describe "A Year Less Three Days" by authors Alyx J. Shaw and Mychael Black: MAJOR TRAIN WRECK If I could individually list all of "A Year Less Three Days" missteps, this review would possibly as long as the novella, because I honestly don't know where to begin. I...
Cronic Bookaholic
Cronic Bookaholic rated it 10 years ago
I'm disappointed. The war was too easily won (I dunno why the characters fussed about it so much). I still dunno the faith of king and queen who'd gone missing in #book2 (were they truly dead??) and they decided to put new king on the throne??It's good that Braen and Jean finally worked on their fee...
SheReadsALot...seriously. rated it 10 years ago
Free all day @ Torquere - 12/14http://www.torquerebooks.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=78_110&products_id=2712
La Crimson Femme
La Crimson Femme rated it 11 years ago
Placed in a cage for all to see, how humiliating, especially when the other cages don't have humans but other animals. In PETS, Ms. Black twists it around and places Ian Bishop as a pet to be purchased. The way Ms. Black switches the view on how scary it can be to be adopted by a child centaur and l...
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