Oscar Britton is an army officer in a special group who hunt up the newly awakened magic users who are cropping up all over the place. No-one knows why but they're a danger to everyone around them so they're rounded up for their own safety. Now Oscar himself is showing signs of magic breaking out ...
“My strength is the Emperor and His Holy Writ.” “Aren’t you pious for one who is so green at the sight of the Order?" “The Emperor is divine. The Order are just men. You don’t fault a whole faith just because some of its agents take to brigandage. My faith kept me through the war, and it hasn't ...
A fine finale to the trilogy. I didn't see the villain twist coming, which means I was invested in the story and not overthinking it.
What if people suddenly manifested magical powers and those powers were either deemed illegal or only could be used under the jurisdiction of the government and military? What if you're in the military and all of a sudden, you manifest powers that are considered forbidden? That's Oscar Britton's jou...
Another excellent entry in his Shadow Ops universe. Looking forward to reading MORE!!!