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Nacht der Leidenschaft - Lisa Kleypas
Nacht der Leidenschaft
by: (author)
Format: paperback
ISBN: 9783453862388 (3453862384)
Publisher: Heyne
Edition language: Deutsch
Community Reviews
Rachel's books
Rachel's books rated it
4.0 Suddenly You
This was a very enjoyable book. I liked the unconventional meeting (Amanda hires a prostitute on her 30th birthday, the madam sends someone that is not). I really liked that both are average, everyday people. I loved Amanda's intelligence and Jack for seeing that intelligence. Having said that, it w...
Princess Eva Rose
Princess Eva Rose rated it
3.0 Finally something to be happy about!
I have been afflicted with so many bad books this past few months that reading anything was becoming a chore. Alas, Kleypas has cure some of my ills with this book. Whenever I am in a rut I just turned to one of her books and I know I will satisfied with little to no complains. I am so glad that Kle...
Lisa (Harmony)
Lisa (Harmony) rated it
4.0 Suddenly You
This novel has a readable style compared to most romance novels, but what makes it stand out are the plot and characterizations which are about as far away from the conventional historical romance as you can get--in good ways. The heroine, Amanda Briars, is a women of independent means in Victorian ...
portable pieces of thoughts
portable pieces of thoughts rated it
1.0 Suddenly You
My impressions (this time in a form of a devilish parable):2006, somewhere in the USA. A successful female romance writer is sitting and pondering over her next novel. What to write: a contemporary or a historical romance? What will sell better? What will be more interesting for her audience? More c...
JennieBasset rated it
4.0 Suddenly You
Enjoyed this one! A strong female lead and a dashing hero.
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