Once upon a time little Britta was kind of addicted to those kind of stories. (Feel free to unfriend me for it, I certainly won't blame you!)And I only can explain it with some temporarily nostalgic feeling that I first downloaded and later started to read this.However, now I can say with determenit...
3.5 starsThis is an interesting start to a series. There's actually a plot with the erotica, and it's an interesting plot. The erotica is okay, sex wasn't very detailed which was fine by me, but for those looking for erotica might be disappointed. This was an okay book for me, but I do want to read ...
3.5 starsThis was an okay read. The plot was semi-believable, though I'm still not sure what caused all the magic and love spell (because I'm pretty sure someone needs to cast a spell for it to work). The sex was okay, though a lot happened offscreen or wasn't very detailed. I was actually more inte...
Ok book, got rid of it after reading
Interesting premise, could have been better. Had promise, but didn't deliver.
3.5 stars
Interesting idea, see where it goes