I am conflicted. I love one half of this series, and absolutely hate the other. How can something be so subversive in its portrayal of women and at the same time be so sexist?The series follows two women named Nana through their romantic escapades and their friendship. Both women move to Tokyo, beco...
Bittersweet and very appealing manga about two women named Nana- their lives, loves and their friendship. Vol 1 introduces the two women; they meet each other later. Vol. 1 can stand by itself as a sweet set of short stories. Very good.
Eh, just not for me. The art is, for the most part, good, and I do like the attention to clothes and style. But I don't like either Nana at all, and I don't care to follow their lives for another 20 volumes or so. It's not that it's badly written, it's just not my thing.
I guess I am not the josei type, cuz I did not like this manga too much. I heard, and read so many nice reviews about this... I even bought the anime, so I was eager to read the manga. Sadly, it was MEH to me.There are two Nana in this story: one of them is a naive, silly girl who fells in love with...
This review will be for the WHOLE Nana seriesOk, so I FINALLY finished Nana and I’m jumping up and down because of how happy I am.This was one of the worst stories I’ve read in a while, and trust me this says a lot. I can’t believe Yazawa dragged this useless story- Oh wait, I totally forgot. This s...
Nana, Volume 1 is the first volume out of a 21 volume series written by Ai Yazawa. Volume 1 introduces us to Nana Kumatsu, Nana Osaki, and Junko (Nana Kumatsu’s best friend, she’s pretty much a bonus to the series). The manga shows us these three girls lives (but mainly the two Nanas). Nana Kumat...
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