Shattered Shields edited by Jennifer Brozek is an anthology focused on military fantasy, specifically heroic struggles and epic combat. Here seventeen short stories and novellas explore the vast expanse of military fantasy in all its varied forms from adventures in hither unexplored worlds to new ta...
"Great little read!"Would you listen to Blue Ink: A Short Story again? Why?Yes. It is a very interesting story with a bit of a twist. I would listen again to catch hints that I may have missed in the first read through.What other book might you compare Blue Ink: A Short Story to and why?It definitel...
Very lovely, truthful and thought provoking.
The writing's nice, but there's nothing new here.
Lilly Straight had it all, the husband, the daughter, the house, the money, the perfect life we all dream about every now and then. But after a series of events force her to give up her haute couture life style, Lilly most find a way to make ends meet if she wants to be able to support her family. I...
Lillith Straight is a thirty-something divorced mother of an eight year old daughter who is struggling to make ends meet. To further complicate her life, she has her ex-husband’s young niece and her stepsister living with her. And, oh, by the way, she “dies” after being hit by a car, the Devil app...
Purchased in early 2007 for Jennifer Pelland's story "YY," a macabre tale of cloning gone wrong. For another example of Pelland's take on cloning, I recommend reading Clone Barbecue. It's not for the faint of heart or weak of stomach. The first line is "You are cordially invited to eat me."