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Natalie Goldberg
Natalie Goldberg lived in Brooklyn until she was six, when her family moved out to Farmingdale, Long Island, where her father owned the bar the Aero Tavern. From a young age, Goldberg was mad for books and reading, and especially loved Carson McCullers’s The Ballad of the Sad Cafe, which she read... show more

Natalie Goldberg lived in Brooklyn until she was six, when her family moved out to Farmingdale, Long Island, where her father owned the bar the Aero Tavern. From a young age, Goldberg was mad for books and reading, and especially loved Carson McCullers’s The Ballad of the Sad Cafe, which she read in ninth grade. She thinks that single book led her eventually to put pen to paper when she was twenty-four years old. She received a BA in English literature from George Washington University and an MA in humanities from St. John’s University.Goldberg has painted for as long as she has written, and her paintings can be seen in Living Color: A Writer Paints Her World and Top of My Lungs: Poems and Paintings. They can also be viewed at the Ernesto Mayans Gallery on Canyon Road in Sante Fe.A dedicated teacher, Goldberg has taught writing and literature for the last thirty-five years. She also leads national workshops and retreats, and her schedule can be accessed via her website: nataliegoldberg.comIn 2006, she completed with the filmmaker Mary Feidt a one-hour documentary, Tangled Up in Bob, about Bob Dylan’s childhood on the Iron Range in Northern Minnesota. The film can be obtained on Amazon or the website tangledupinbob.com.Goldberg has been a serious Zen practitioner since 1974 and studied with Katagiri Roshi from 1978 to 1984.

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Chris Blocker
Chris Blocker rated it 7 years ago
“You're a writer? Don't you just love Writing Down the Bones?”This is one of those books that people just assume you've read when you have an MFA in writing. I had heard quite a bit about it, but I hadn't actually read it until now. But since this book has clearly been highly praised and circulated ...
A Reading Vocation
A Reading Vocation rated it 9 years ago
Around the Year Reading Challenge Item #21: A book from the Goodreads recommendations pageThe philosophy behind this book is pretty much the same as that powering Writing Down the Bones: Freeing the Writer Within, but I found this book to be a lot more enjoyable. Goldberg's tone is a bit less preten...
Book 7
Book 7 rated it 11 years ago
I enjoyed reading this book. Each chapter was bite sized so I could sneak it in here and there like a snack. Natalie Goldberg's gentle encouragement soothed and comforted me while I've been stressed out and unhappy lately.
Judy Croome: Author on the Prowl
Judy Croome: Author on the Prowl rated it 13 years ago
Some books one finds too late in life. For me, "Writing Down The Bones " is such a book. Filled with wonderful writing anecdotes and wisdom, Goldberg's classic is a book I should have read 10 years ago when I first started writing. It's a must read for anyone just starting to write or for a writer w...
 i eat books
i eat books rated it 13 years ago
4.5 stars really. I'm sure I will reread this one.
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