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Esto es una versión "romántica" de Destino Final. ¿Recuerdan? Es esa película donde la muerte persigue a un joven y a sus amigos, y todos tienen un final terrible. Bueno, en resumen esa es la trama de I Love You to Death sólo que sumándole a eso una historia de amor y quitando que en este caso la pr...
I have been meaning to read this book for a while now, and decided to give it a whirled.From the get go you are hooked the emotions you go through reading this book are just so heart breaking.I have never wanted to cry so much when reading a book. The writing is just beautiful the author makes you f...
Wasn't bad, wasn't terrific.I feel it was missing something, maybe more of a story between Ash and Luke. Parts just dragged on and on. Even though I thought it was ok, at times it just bored the hell out of me. It wasn't really exciting. Great idea, just turned out wrong.
This is one depressing book and I couldn't believe that I liked it this much. Moving from one chapter to next was a bit difficult since I knew what lied ahead. I had to witness the retelling of 12 deaths that Ash had gone through. It was such a heartbreaking experience reading it, but somehow it sho...
I am one of those who couldn't exactly get into it...It was nice story, but that's all.