Natascha Kampusch
Birth date: February 17, 1988
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Natasha Kampusch tell her own story about her captivity for years as a child. Being starved, beaten, abused, raped, and still stay alive in her mind so much that she could escape by herself. She is strong inside. She is also a person who refused to see the only person who she grow up with as pure ...
Prima di iniziare questa recensione voglio fare una delle mie solite premesse. Appena venuta a conoscenza di questo caso o meglio della sua risoluzione ero parecchio scettica e provavo una certa antipatia per Natascha Kampush, il fatto che non fosse fuggita prima, che avesse comprato la casa del suo...
Quando si tratta di storie vere è difficile, quasi impossibile, dare un giudizio. In particolar modo se la storia racconta la tragica vicenda di una bambina rapita e tenuta segregata in una cantina. Natascha Kampusch, un nome che ha fatto il giro del mondo. Rapita nel 1998, all'età di 10 anni, e fug...
A movie based on Natascha's ordeal is now in production since 28 February 2013.Preview of the movie:'s story: story reminded me of another story I have read years ago. It was about a boy who got abdu...
This book is so incredibly scary, so difficult even to read! I cannot imagine how difficult it must have been to Natascha to actually survive this all. The fact that she actually managed to stay alive and grow and develop shows that the powers that be were guarding her.I was so sorry to learn about ...