I am the author of several BDSM, spanking and dark romances, all of which explore the mind of the Dominant male and the submissive female. I'm forever searching for that single most important element of LOVE. My characters are as human as I: powerful yet incredibly vulnerable, flawed, perhaps...
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I am the author of several BDSM, spanking and dark romances, all of which explore the mind of the Dominant male and the submissive female. I'm forever searching for that single most important element of LOVE. My characters are as human as I: powerful yet incredibly vulnerable, flawed, perhaps damaged, but with an unending capacity to love.I hope you enjoy my books. I appreciate any and all reviews and only ask that you not leave spoilers and allow other readers their own time to unravel the mysteries. To receive notifications of new releases, please sign up for my newsletter. Just cut and paste this link into your browser: http://eepurl.com/YDOMfFor my blog, cut and paste this link into your browser: http://www.natasha-knight.com
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