by Karen Pokras Toz
This a very cool and great story! It starts out like a boy and more into a man! It was an fantastic story! I loved this story it was really good! Karen is one of my favorite middle grade author! She does write lots of fun and good books. I just think that this book is a awesome book to all of you m...
Nate Rocks the World is a children/YA book. I previously reviews Nate Rocks the Boat back in December which is actually the second book in the series. You get a glimpse at what will happen in book two of what happens in book one, but really you can read them in any order.Nathan is the primary charac...
I really did not know what I was getting into when I picked up this book to read. The only thing I knew was that it is absolutely and completely outside the genres I generally read. Why did I pick it up then? For one, I have been trying to expand my reading by getting into completely different genre...