Not only looking like a French "bande dessinée" but dealing with a popular subject in that genre, the story of the Cathare heresy, this comic collection then introduces monsters into the plot for the crusaders to fight. Alien technology is involved but the brave knights fight on with heavy losses. ...
Enjoyed this comic, I knew I always had a thing for Grayson, so I'm glad he has his own series.
Not Better Than Batman.
Still a let down after the excellent first arc and since this is a crossover - and I refuse to buy the crossover issues for series I'm not into - I'm really only getting part of the story. Add to this a lack of a recap page, and I just don't really care. I won't pick up any Monster Men issues,...
There is a brief mention of Gotham Girl, but this delves into the 'monster men' who've been mentioned by the suicidal terrorists. They're clearly not alright, and they've all claimed monster men are coming - and they start in this issue. (I refuse to buy issues not written or spearheaded by King...
Aliens have taken over the world and the Veiled Lady presides. An asteroid is heading towards the planet to create a massive catastrophe. (Happy days, eh!). Our hero and occult expert, Nameless, is hired to stop this happening and sent off in space as the interpreter of the language being used by th...
A story of shifting present and overlapping realities. Nameless could be labeled "Lovecraftian" as a matter of simplicity in summarizing it's body horror, alien threat, and embedded psychosis, but perhaps is best considered "Pre-Lovecraft" pulling directly on the Polynesian and Mayan mythos that Lo...