The Camelot kids is packed with adventures and action. It great for all ages of kids. Simon finds out his parents died. Simon want to find a place to belong. He starts to have dreams. A place named Camelot. Is there really a place called New Camelot? Someone is trying to find him and wants him dea...
I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest reviewThe Camelot Kids is a fun adventure perfect for both the middle grade and YA audience. Fast-paced, featuring wonderful illustrations, this book is sure to please fans of fantasy and Arthurian Legend.The story starts out rather sad,...
Uneven writing and uneven artwork. There is nothing new here to make this really stand out from other works of noir fiction. Also, this four-issue collection doesn't complete a single story arc, which I found less than satisfying. I didn't hate it. It just felt flat to me. However, if someone ha...
Teenagers end up at an old broken down house for what they call a vacation. Owned by the two sister's grandmother who are part of the vacation group. They find a pigeon cemetery in the upstairs, just dead birds stacked to the roof. The ugly strange man across the way tells them the story behind the ...
Summary: In this revamp of the 1938 short story, two sisters take a trip with friends to inspect the decrepit plantation house they've inherited. Unfortunately, the house is possessed, and gruesome deaths ensue before the sisters are ready to battle the house's curse.Verdict: Skip it.Yay!: The plotl...
When American troops open fire on a peaceful protest, Matty Roth gets involved in the quest for the truth about what actually happened. Riccardo Burchielli's art is as bad as it usually is. There is a section drawn by Kristian Donaldson, who is not particularly good but at least doesn't sexualize ...